We are in the information age; exchange of ideas through information can only be made possible with a powerful search and retrieval engine via computer CD-ROM, Intranet and online. To date, we have successfully published the following on CD-ROM, Intranet, and Online

  1. Nitax – Nigeria tax laws.
  2. PetroAct – All the petroleum laws. & Regulations
  3. CAMA – Companies and Allied Matters.
  4. Custariff – Nigeria Customs, Excise Tariff etc.
  5. CEMA – Customs and Excise Management Act.
  6. Banking & Investment Laws.
  7. Nigeria Constitution 1999

Tax and other related Titles by Professor M.T. Abdulrazaq include:

  1. Nigeria Revenue Laws.
  2. Tax Management in Nigeria.
  3. Introduction to Value Added Tax in Nigeria with worked examples. Stamp Duty.